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What's New at About Beaucerons
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Things are always changing at About Beaucerons. The major changes are listed below.

Changes for 2013

There are now over 30,000 dogs in the Beauceron Pedigree database! Please continue to send new dogs and any corrections or missing information. I need your help! Please feel free to submit any dog you find missing. The more dogs entered, the more useful the database will be.

27 February 2013

Uploaded a new database. Updated the Beauceron Links, Clubs, Standard, Conformation, Obedience, and Agility pages.

I have entered all the dogs and all the photos I have received. I had email problems, so if you submitted a new dog or changes, or a photo that does not show up in the database, please resubmit it. Thanks

Changes for 2012

March 2012

Uploaded a new database. The database has over 29,000 dogs now.

Changes for 2009

21 March 2009

I have finally finished most of the changes for a major overhaul to the website. This consisted of changes to every page on the site. The new pages have been uploaded and are now active. I have changed all the pages from ".htm" to ".php" so I can dynamically load information. This will make changes and updates a whole lot easier to make. I have also added a verification process in all the form handling, so all forms are back online again. Hopefully, the verification process will eliminate the large amount of spam I was receiving from the forms.

Forms are now available again for Submitting Dogs , Submitting Litters, Submitting Links, and Submitting Breeders. A verification has also been added to the Guestbook.

If everything works as it should, the changes should be invisible to all the visitors to About Beaucerons. Only the background process has changed. If you find something that does not work, please contact me.

My next major task is to move the photo gallery to a new server. Once that is done, people will be able to upload photos again.

January - March 2009

NEW or UPDATE is listed for things that have been added or changed.

I have added new agility videos to Soleil's Agility Runs page. I have added the videos of Soleil competing in Long Beach, California at the 2008 AKC Agility Invitational where Soleil earned a 4th place in the 24" height class. I have also updated Soleil's page and have included her more recent accomplishments.

New links have been added to Beaucerons Around the World.

I have updated the Beauceron Clubs page. There are new clubs from Estonia and Italy.

I have updated the Frequently Asked Questions page. Have added some new resources of where I get my information from for the database.

I have updated the agility page, the herding page, the obedience page and the breed page. I have added all the dogs that have earned a new AKC Champion title.

I have updated the Standard page. A number of the links were broken. They should all work now.

I have updated the home page including the News Flash. I have added the video of the Finals run at the Invitational and added a slide show of my new puppy Mickey.

I am still not accepting photos for the photo gallery, but you can still submit photos of your dog for the Online Pedigree Database. I am working on moving the photo gallery to another server. I have no more room on my hosting server.

Changes for 2008

January - July 2008

I have made many updates and changes. I am trying to put in NEW or UPDATE on things that have been added or changed.

I have added new agility videos to Soleil's Agility Runs page. I have added the video of Soleil earning her MACH (Master Agility Champion) title. I am now using YouTube for my video service to try and save disk space on my website.

New links have been added to Beaucerons Around the World.

I have updated the Beauceron Clubs page.

I have updated the agility page, the herding page, the obedience page, the tracking page, the Versatile Companion Dog page and the breed page. I have added all the dogs that have earned a new AKC Champion title. All new information is marked with NEW or UPDATE in red.

I have updated all the kennel pages. They are sorted three different ways, by Kennel Name by Country and by Owner Last Name. These pages are very large and my take some time to download on slower connections.

I am still not accepting photos for the photo gallery, but you can still submit photos of your dog for the Online Pedigree Database.

As always, I have added many new dogs to the Online Beauceron Pedigree Database which now exceeds 23,000 dogs. Please continue to send new dogs and changes or corrections to dogs already entered in the database.

In case you haven't noticed, I updated my home page. I have an announcement for a very special litter. My new agility partner is one of the pups in the litter. So, expect to hear more news about my new pup as time goes on.

August 2008

There are now over 24,000 dogs in the Online Beauceron Pedigree Database. I have received a few copies of old Le Bas Rouge magazines (from the early 80's) and have been able to add new dogs and update missing information from a lot of the dogs from the 80's. Thank you Esa!!!

Changes for 2007

*** Important News Flash ***

I have had to disabled all the forms on my website. Unfortunately, I was receiving a tremendous amount of SPAM (50-75 emails a day) from the forms on my website. The forms impacted are Submit Dog, Submit Litter, Submit Link, and Submit Kennel. You can still submit pedigree, kennel, and Beauceron website link information to me via email.

*** End of News Flash ***

The Beauceron Pedigree database now exceeds over 21,000 dogs. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed dogs to the database.

September 2007

I have added new agility videos to Soleil's Agility Runs page. I am now using YouTube for my video service to try and save disk space on my website.

New links have been added to Beaucerons Around the World. A BIG thanks goes out to Bianca Blonk who helped with all the updates.

I have updated the Beauceron Clubs page.

I have updated the agility page, the herding page, the obedience page, the tracking page, and the Versatile Companion Dog page. All new information is marked with NEW or UPDATE in red.

I am still not accepting photos for the photo gallery, but you can still submit photos of your dog for the Online Pedigree Database.

Changes for 2005

There are now over 20,000 dogs in the Beauceron Pedigree database! Please continue to send new dogs and any corrections or missing information. I need your help! Please feel free to submit any dog you find missing. The more dogs entered, the more useful the database will be.

October 2005
The Beauceron Pedigree database now exceeds over 20,000 dogs. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed dogs to the database.

I have added new agility videos to Soleil's Agility Runs page. I have also added new links to Beaucerons Around the World.

August 2005
Added many new dogs to the database which now has over 19,700 dogs. I have added new links to Beaucerons Around the World, including the very first link from Lithuania and Argentina. On the Clubs Page there is a new listing for the Beauceron Club from Hungry and also a new link for the Swedish club that links to their online magazine.

April 2005
I've made a number of updates over the past couple of months to About Beaucerons. First of all, I have added new links to Beaucerons Around the World, including the very first link from Poland. There is also now a link to the Briard and Beauceron Club of Poland on the Clubs Page.

I have added many new Beauceron kennel names to the kennel pages, and due to the large size of the list of kennels, I have reformatted the Kennel page to display only a portion of the information for each link. You can still view the entire list by Kennel Name, Country, or Owner Name, but I have also split the lists up into smaller lists to make viewing easier for those who do not have a direct internet connection.

I have removed the old photo gallery of Soleil's Family and replaced it with a page on Soleil with links to all her pictures, agility videos, and other information. I have also updated the About Me page and added additional contact information.

I have added new agility videos to Soleil's Agility Runs page.

As always I have added new dogs and updated existing dogs in the Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has over 19,100 dogs.

Changes for 2004

Things are always changing at About Beaucerons. The major changes are listed below.

There are now over 18,200 dogs in the Beauceron Pedigree database. Please continue to send new dogs and any corrections or missing information. I need your help! Please feel free to submit any dog you find missing. The more dogs entered, the more useful the database will be.

4 November 2004
I've made a number of updates over the past couple of months. Added two new clubs to the Beauceron Clubs page, and a bunch of new links to Beaucerons Around the World, including the very first link from Hungary. Updated the agility page, and added new agility videos on Soleil's Agility Runs page. Added new photo albums in the Photo Galley under French Nationale d'Elevage. Please feel free to upload any pictures taken at the Nationale d'Elevage into these photo albums. I have separate photo albums for the different years from 1999 to 2004.

As always I have added new dogs and updated existing dogs in the Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has over 18,200 dogs.

13 August 2004
Added new agility videos on Soleil's Agility Runs page. Added a new photo album of Soleil doing agility. Also added a new photo album of Beauceron Champions. Moved Champions from the Male Beaucerons and the Female Beaucerons photo albums to the Champions album. As always I have added new dogs and updated existing dogs in the Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has over 18,000 dogs. Removed many broken links on Beaucerons Around the World.

19 July 2004
Added new links to Beaucerons Around the World. Added the first link from Romania. Added new agility videos on Soleil's Agility Runs page. Removed most of the videos from 2003. Updated the agility page. As always I have added new dogs and updated existing dogs in the Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has over 17,500 dogs.

5 May 2004
Added new links to Beaucerons Around the World and disabled a few that are no longer working. Updated the Kennels pages. Added new agility videos on Soleil's Agility Runs page. Updated the tracking, obedience, and agility pages. As always I have added new dogs and updated existing dogs in the Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has over 17,200 dogs.

5 March 2004
Again, I have been busy and have not had time to update the website as often as I would like, so I am sorry for the delay it has taken for me to get information into the database and onto the website. Thank you to everyone who has submitted new dogs and changes to the database.

I have added a Table of French Cotations. I hope this makes it a bit easier to understand the French system of rating Beaucerons. I have also added a few fun facts at the bottom of the page.

I added a link to the Czech Republic on the Beauceron Clubs page, and a number of new links to Beaucerons Around the World.

Changes for 2003

There are now over 16,500 dogs in the Pedigree database. Please continue to send new dogs and any corrections or missing information. I need your help! Please feel free to submit any dog you find missing. The more dogs entered, the more useful the database will be.

27 December 2003
I have been busy and have not had time to update the website as often as I would like, so I am sorry to all who have submitted information to me for the delay in getting the information onto the website. Thank you to everyone who has submitted new dogs and changes to the database. Happy New Year to ALL!

I have added three more agility videos of Soleil. I have updated the herding, tracking, obedience, and agility pages. As always I have added more dogs to the Beauceron Pedigree Database, and added more links to Beaucerons Around the World, including the first link for Brazil.

20 October 2003
I have added some videos of my Beauceron Soleil doing agility on the new Soleil's Agility Runs page. All the videos are in .mpg format. Each video is about 4-5 MB. I hope to add .wmv files in the future for people who use dial-up modems. As always, I have added more dogs to the pedigree database.

2 October 2003
I have made some changes to the information displayed in the pedigree database. I now display a lot more information about the dog selected in the pedigree. Some of the extra information I now display is the dog's call name, a second registration number (for dogs registered in two countries), elbow certification ratings, information on when and where the dog received his cotation rating, and other information that has been supplied to me over the years like certifications earned, special awards earned, health certifications other then hips and elbows, and other information I might have about the dog. Most of the new information is displayed for the 1st generation only. I hope you enjoy the extra information.

30 September 2003
The pedigree database now has over 16,150 dogs entered. I had a small email problem over the past 2 months. My email was not being forwarded from my website server. This has caused a delay in the updates to the website and database. I think I am all caught up with the backlog. If you have submitted information to me that still does not show up on the website, please re-submit the information.

19 August 2003
The pedigree database now has over 16,100 dogs entered. Thank you to all of you who have submitted information to About Beaucerons. Added a few more kennels on the kennel pages and a couple new websites to Beaucerons Around the World. Updated the Clubs page with the new website address for the French Northern Delegation.

11 July 2003
The pedigree database now has over 15,800 dogs entered. I've updated the agility and obedience pages under Beaucerons In the News. If you scroll down to the bottom of the agility page, you will see my special brag. My Beauceron, Soleil, earned her first agility titles. Added some new websites to Beaucerons Around the World. Added the first site from Estonia!

1 April 2003
The pedigree database now has over 15,000 dogs entered. Please continue to send new dogs and any corrections or missing information. I need your help! I've updated the obedience page under Beaucerons In the News. Added a few more kennels on the kennel pages.

16 March 2003
Added a new Versatility page under Beaucerons In the News. Updated the agility and tracking pages. Added an Alta Vista translator link on the front page. As always, added more dogs to the Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has over 14,900 dogs entered.

27 January 2003
Added new information pages for submitting photos to the Pedigree Database and the Photo Gallery. Added an Other Links page of non-Beauceron links. Added about 500 new dogs to the Beauceron Pedigree Database.

8 January 2003
Added the new site for the Belgium Club. If you haven't been to the Club les Amis du Beauceron site lately, you should check it out. They have completely redone their website. It looks great and you can now view it with any browser! Added some new websites to Beaucerons Around the World and some new kennels to the kennel pages. Added over 200 more dogs to the database - mostly dogs from the mid 1980's.

2 January 2003
Happy New Year from About Beaucerons. There are now over 13,500 dogs in the pedigree database. Together, with your help, we can add many more dogs in the year 2003. Send in your pedigree information on your Beaucerons and together we can make the database a wonderful tool for all the Beauceron people worldwide. But, I can't do it alone. I need your help!

Changes for 2002

19 December 2002
I have added some new pages to About Beaucerons. You can now look up Beauceron Kennel Names sorted By Kennel Name, By Country, or By Owner Name. If you would like to add your kennel, you can use the Submit Kennel form.

Added a number of new links to the Beaucerons Around the World page. The database now contains over 12,900 dogs.

26 November 2002
I have installed a new photo gallery. This will allow anyone to upload photos of their Beaucerons. I have two separate albums. One for Male Beaucerons and one for Female Beaucerons I have also moved all of Soleil's old photo albums over to the new photo gallery.

Updated the agility, herding, and obedience pages of Beaucerons In the News.

25 November 2002
There is a new Litter Submission Form so you can now enter information for an entire litter, or multiple littermates all at once. I have added a number of new links to the Beaucerons Around the World page and as always have added many new Beaucerons to the Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has over 12,700 entries. I have received many pictures for the database. Thank you to those who have submitted pictures. Click here to find out how you can submit a photo of your dog for the pedigree database.

25 October 2002
There is a new look to About Beaucerons. I have replaced the navigation buttons with text links. I hope this makes it easier to navigate the site. It should make the pages load faster. It will also make it easier for me to add new things. Thank you to everyone who voted in the very first About Beaucerons poll.

Added the results of the Journée du Beauceron 2002 to the Beaucerons in Breed page.

21 October 2002
I've been busy! I've not only moved my site to a new server, but I have also added many new things to About Beaucerons. First of all, please check out my new Guestbook. Feel free to sign it or if you prefer, you can now use the guestbook to send me a private note.

There are many new changes to the pedigree database. You can now not only see all siblings for a selected dog, but now all half-siblings on the sire's side and half-siblings on the dam's side. You can find this information by selecting [BREEDING INFO] for any dog.

Another new feature is the [Reverse Pedigree]. This will show you all the offspring, the offspring's offspring, etc. of a selected dog. Be careful how many generations you select for this. With some of the popular sires, this display can become quite large.

I added a number of things to the Beauceron Pedigree Database FAQs. If you have never read it, go check it out. You may find you can do a lot more with the database then you realize.

I have also changed the format a bit on the pedigree displays. Please let me know what you think - good or bad. I have also added a bit more information to the selected dog. I now display the color, owner, and breeder (if known).

As always, please feel free to submit any updates, corrections, or new dogs to me.

I have started to add photos to the pedigree's. If you would like to help me out with this, you can email me a photo of your dog. Send the photo to admin@aboutbeaucerons.com. Please remember to include the full name of the dog. Please keep all photo's under 100KB.

October 2002
It has been a difficult month, but I think everything is back up and working again. I hope I have seen the last of my server problems. During the change over, I decided to replace the old guestbook. I never liked the old one, but it worked, and I was always too busy with other things to replace it. Please check out the new Guestbook. I think it is a lot better then the old one. Please feel free to sign it and let me know what you think.

I have also added some new links to Beaucerons Around the World for the Netherlands, Italy, and France.

October 2002 *** Important Notice - Part 3 ***
Off and on during the month of October, I had problems with my hosting company. During that time, my website was unavailable at times, the database was disabled, and the forms for submitting dogs and links were not working correctly. I have moved my website to a new server. I hope to have everything working again as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience during this time.

October 2002 *** Important Notice - Part 2 ***
More hosting company problems. My hosting company disabled my website for a couple of days. I also had to disable the pedigree database for a short time. I think everything is back up and working again, at least for the time being. If you experience any problems with my site, please send an email to admin@aboutbeaucerons.com and let me know. Thanks!

October 2002
Added a new photo album Soleil in France - May 2002 from our trip to France for the Nationale d'Elevage in May. Also added pictures to the Soleil 12 to 24 months old photo album. The links for these and Soleil's other photo albums are on the About Me page.

October 2002 *** Important Notice - Part 1 ***
My hosting company moved my website to a new server. When they did, the forms for submitting dog information and link information stopped working. They have fixed the problem and everything should be working fine again. If you experience any problems with the forms, please send an email to admin@aboutbeaucerons.com and let me know. Thanks!

September 2002
Added more links to Beaucerons Around the World for Germany and Finland. Added more information to the agility and herding pages of Beaucerons In the News. Added the new website for the Dutch Beauceron Club. As always, added more dogs to the Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has over 11,600 entries.

3 July 2002
Added more links to Beaucerons Around the World for Germany. Also, there is now a link for Russia! Added a new link for the club website in Luxembourg and added a link for a German version of the FCI standard.

1 July 2002
I finally reached my goal of 10,000 dogs in the pedigree database. I have a lot more information to add and will probably end up with about 15,000 dogs by the end of the year. Added the Conformation Ring page and also added more dogs and information to the agility and obedience pages of Beaucerons In the News. Added a new photo album, Soleil 12 to 24 months old to the About Me page

28 Apr 2002
Added more dogs and information to Beaucerons In the News. Added more links to Beaucerons on the World Wide Web. Added a link to the new English version of the Beauceron standard on the Club des Amis du Beauceron site.

22 Mar 2002
Added pictures to the home page, the agility page, the herding page, the tracking page, the introduction page, and the history page. I'll be adding more pictures in the near future. Added a new form so visitors can easily submit their website. And as always, added more dogs to the Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has over 8,200 entries.

12 Mar 2002
Added more links to the Beaucerons on the World Wide Web page. Changed the Photo Gallery look and navigation a bit. I got rid of the Forums (nobody was using them) and replaced them with Beaucerons In the News which showcases Beaucerons in different activities and sports. Finally updated the About Me page. I'll be adding more in the future. And as always, added more dogs to the Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has over 7,000 entries.

24 Feb 2002
Added a lot more links to the Beaucerons on the World Wide Web page. Put up two more photo albums. One is Soleil 6-12 months (still in progress), and the other one is of Soleil. You can also view them from the links on the About Me page Added a lot more information to the Pedigree Database FAQ page. The Pedigree Database now has over 6,500 entries.

Changes for 2001

29 Dec 01
Added the Introduction page and the History page. The Pedigree Database now has over 5,000 entries.

15 Dec 01
Added the Pedigree Database FAQ page.

9 Dec 01
Just another database update. I have close to 4,000 dogs entered so far, but I still have a long way to go. I have a lot of additional information still to enter on the dogs.

21 Nov 01
I'm a quarter of the way to my goal of 10,000 dogs in the database. Most of the information I am adding is taken directly from back issues of Le Bas Rouge, the quarterly newsletter of le Club des Amis du Beauceron, the French National club.

26 Oct 01
Added the submission form. People can now submit new dogs to the database.

25 Oct 01
Added more dogs to the pedigree database. I'm up to almost 1700 dogs. I still have a very long way to go. Still working on getting the submission form working.

16 Oct 01
Added the pedigree database. I only have about 950 dogs entered right now. I hope to add more dogs over the next month or two. It's a start. I want to add a submission form so people can send me information to add to the database, or to correct any errors on the dogs that are entered.

4 Sep 01
Added a photo gallery to the website. There are only a few dogs listed now, but I hope to add many more dogs in the future. I hope to add some of the older dogs that have made a significant impact on the breed. I just need to find some pictures someplace. If anyone wants to send a picture, and a little info about their dog, I will gladly put up a page in the photo gallery.

28 Aug 01
Just finished Soleil's Pedigree page. Go to About Me and click on the pedigree link. I also started a new photo album for Soleil. Her two photo albums can be reached from the About Me page also.

25 Aug 01
This week I added the Clubs page the Online page and a Guestbook.

19 Aug 01
The About Beaucerons website was launched. Only working thing right now is the Forums section. I hope to be adding more things during the next week or two.

© Copyright 2001-2015 AboutBeaucerons.com. All rights reserved.
Contact: admin@aboutbeaucerons.com