19 December 2002
I have added some new pages to About Beaucerons. You can now look up Beauceron
Kennel Names sorted By Kennel Name,
By Country, or
By Owner Name. If you would like to add your
kennel, you can use the Submit Kennel form.
Added a number of new links to the
Beaucerons Around the World page. The database now
contains over 12,900 dogs.
26 November 2002
I have installed a new photo gallery. This will allow
anyone to upload photos of
their Beaucerons. I have two separate albums. One for
Male Beaucerons and one for
Female Beaucerons I have also
moved all of Soleil's old photo albums over to the new
photo gallery.
Updated the agility, herding, and obedience pages of
Beaucerons In the News.
25 November 2002
There is a new Litter Submission Form so you can now enter
information for an entire litter, or multiple littermates all at once. I have
added a number of new links to the
Beaucerons Around the World page and as
always have added many new Beaucerons to the
Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has
over 12,700 entries. I have received many pictures for the database. Thank you
to those who have submitted pictures. Click here
to find out how you can submit a photo of your dog for the pedigree database.
25 October 2002
There is a new look to About Beaucerons. I have replaced the
navigation buttons with text links. I hope this makes it easier to navigate
the site. It should make the pages load faster. It will also make it easier
for me to add new things. Thank you to everyone who voted in the very first
About Beaucerons poll.
Added the results of the Journée du Beauceron 2002 to the
Beaucerons in Breed page.
21 October 2002
I've been busy! I've not only moved my site to a new server, but I have also
added many new things to About Beaucerons.
First of all, please check out my new
Guestbook. Feel free to sign it or if you prefer, you can now
use the guestbook to send me a private note.
There are many new changes to the pedigree database. You can now not only see
all siblings for a selected dog, but now all half-siblings on the sire's side
and half-siblings on the dam's side. You can find this information
by selecting
[BREEDING INFO] for any dog.
Another new feature is the
[Reverse Pedigree]. This will show you all the offspring, the
offspring's offspring, etc. of a selected dog. Be careful how many generations
you select for this. With some of the popular sires, this display can become
quite large.
I added a number of things to the
Beauceron Pedigree Database FAQs. If you have never read it, go check
it out. You may find you can do a lot more with the database then you realize.
I have also changed the format a bit on the pedigree displays. Please let me
know what you think - good or bad. I have also added a bit more information to the
selected dog. I now display the color, owner, and breeder (if known).
As always, please feel free to
submit any updates,
corrections, or new dogs to me
I have started to add photos to the pedigree's. If you would like to help me
out with this, you can email me a photo of your dog. Send the photo to
Please remember to include the full name of the dog. Please keep all photo's
under 100KB.
October 2002
It has been a difficult month, but I think everything is back up and working
again. I hope I have seen the last of my server problems. During the change
over, I decided to replace the old guestbook. I never liked the old one, but it
worked, and I was always too busy with other things to replace it. Please
check out the new
Guestbook. I think it is a lot better then the old one.
Please feel free to sign it and let me know what you think.
I have also added some new links to Beaucerons Around the World
for the Netherlands, Italy, and France.
October 2002 *** Important Notice - Part 3 ***
Off and on during the month of October, I had problems with my hosting company.
During that time, my website was unavailable at times, the database was disabled,
and the forms for submitting dogs and links were not working correctly.
I have moved my website to a new server. I hope to have everything working again
as soon as possible. Thank you for your
patience during this time.
October 2002 *** Important Notice - Part 2 ***
More hosting company problems. My hosting company disabled my website for a
couple of days. I also had to disable the pedigree database for a short time.
I think everything is back up and working again, at least for the time being.
If you experience any problems with my site, please send an email to
and let me know. Thanks!
October 2002
Added a new photo album
Soleil in France - May 2002 from our trip to France for the
Nationale d'Elevage in May. Also added pictures to the
Soleil 12 to 24 months old photo album. The links for these and Soleil's
other photo albums are on the About Me page.
October 2002 *** Important Notice - Part 1 ***
My hosting company moved my website to a new server. When they did, the
forms for submitting dog information and link information stopped working.
They have fixed the problem and everything should be working fine again. If you
experience any problems with the forms, please send an email to
and let me know. Thanks!
September 2002
Added more links to Beaucerons Around the World for
Germany and Finland. Added more information to the agility and herding pages of
Beaucerons In the News. Added the new website for
the Dutch Beauceron Club. As always, added more
dogs to the Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has
over 11,600 entries.
3 July 2002
Added more links to Beaucerons Around the World for
Germany. Also, there is now a link for Russia!
Added a new link for the club website in Luxembourg and
added a link for a German version of the FCI standard.
1 July 2002
I finally reached my goal of 10,000 dogs in the pedigree database. I have a
lot more information to add and will probably end up with about 15,000 dogs
by the end of the year. Added the Conformation Ring page and also added more
dogs and information to the agility and obedience pages of
Beaucerons In the News.
Added a new photo album,
Soleil 12 to 24 months old
to the About Me page
28 Apr 2002
Added more dogs and information to Beaucerons In the News.
Added more links to Beaucerons on the World Wide Web.
Added a link to the new English version of the Beauceron standard on the
Club des Amis du Beauceron site.
22 Mar 2002
Added pictures to the
home page, the
agility page, the
herding page, the
tracking page, the
introduction page, and the
history page.
I'll be adding more pictures in the near future.
Added a new form so visitors can easily
submit their website.
And as always, added more dogs to the
Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has
over 8,200 entries.
12 Mar 2002
Added more links to the
Beaucerons on the World Wide Web
page. Changed the
Photo Gallery look and navigation a bit.
I got rid of the Forums (nobody was using them) and replaced them with
Beaucerons In the News which showcases Beaucerons in
different activities and sports. Finally updated the
About Me page. I'll be adding more in the future.
And as always, added more dogs to the
Beauceron Pedigree Database which now has
over 7,000 entries.
24 Feb 2002
Added a lot more links to the
Beaucerons on the World Wide Web
page. Put up two more photo albums. One is
Soleil 6-12 months
(still in progress), and the other one is of
Soleil. You
can also view them from the links on the
About Me page
Added a lot more information to the
Pedigree Database FAQ page. The Pedigree Database now has over 6,500 entries.
Changes for 2001
29 Dec 01
Added the Introduction
page and the History
page. The Pedigree Database now has over 5,000 entries.
15 Dec 01
Added the
Pedigree Database FAQ page.
9 Dec 01
Just another database update. I have close to 4,000 dogs entered so far,
but I still have a long way to go. I have a lot of additional information
still to enter on the dogs.
21 Nov 01
I'm a quarter of the way to my goal of 10,000 dogs in the database. Most of the
information I am adding is taken directly from back issues of
Le Bas Rouge, the quarterly newsletter of le Club des Amis du Beauceron,
the French National club.
26 Oct 01
Added the
submission form. People can now submit new dogs to the database.
25 Oct 01
Added more dogs to the pedigree database. I'm up to almost 1700 dogs.
I still have a very long way to go. Still working on getting the submission form working.
16 Oct 01
Added the pedigree database. I only have about 950 dogs entered right now. I hope to
add more dogs over the next month or two. It's a start. I want to add a submission
form so people can send me information to add to the database, or to correct any
errors on the dogs that are entered.
4 Sep 01
Added a photo gallery to the website. There are only a few dogs listed now, but I hope to
add many more dogs in the future. I hope to add some of the older dogs that have
made a significant impact on the breed. I just need to find some pictures someplace.
If anyone wants to send a picture, and a little info about their dog, I will
gladly put up a page in the photo gallery.
28 Aug 01
Just finished Soleil's Pedigree page. Go to
About Me and click on the pedigree link.
I also started a new photo album for Soleil. Her two photo albums can be reached
from the
About Me page also.
25 Aug 01
This week I added the Clubs page the Online page and a Guestbook.
19 Aug 01
About Beaucerons website was launched. Only working thing right now is the Forums
section. I hope to be adding more things during the next week or two.